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Get A Job

Off-Campus Jobs

Students should consider current trends and events, both local and global, when determining which fields will demand job applicants with specific academic majors and work experiences.

To begin pursuing a job, log in to to upload your resume and cover letter and begin the job search process.



Students have the opportunity, as part of their education at Texas 野狼社区, to take part in off-campus learning experiences. These experiences will help students make successful career decisions, endure smooth school-to-work transitions, and further their education and training.

Career Services follows the National Association of Colleges and Employers guidelines concerning paid and unpaid internships.

To begin pursuing a for-credit internship, speak with your faculty advisor about requirements for your major and what suggestions they have for an internship, then and start a search for positions you might be interested in applying for.

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Student Employment Program

On-campus student employment is managed through the Human Resources office.

Texas 野狼社区's Student Employment Program (SEP) is designed for experiential learning that will inspire, mentor and coach students for professional expectations and career endeavors. Visit the Student Employment Program Human Resources page to learn more.

to view a list of current on-campus jobs and apply.