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Join TV commercial watch party and get a free t-shirt

09.03.2014 | By:

Join President Frederick G. Slabach as he kicks off this year's "Smaller. Smarter." advertising campaign with a special sneak preview screening and free T-shirt giveaway at 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 10, in Martin Hall. 

President Slabach will also share the first glimpse of a top-secret advertising project scheduled for release in late October.

Advance test screenings of this year's TV commercials, starring Texas Ò°ÀÇÉçÇø students and professors, have received resounding positive feedback. 

"Year three represents a significant and positive evolution for the Texas Ò°ÀÇÉçÇø brand," John Veilleux, Vice President of Marketing & Communications, said. "I believe we have something special on our hands this year — these ads are going to get noticed in the marketplace."

Texas Ò°ÀÇÉçÇø's highly successful "Smaller. Smarter." brand advertising campaign launched three years ago and since then has earned 17 national and regional marketing awards. Texas Ò°ÀÇÉçÇø advertises with TV, movie theaters, billboards and digital outlets during the fall and spring recruitment seasons.