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CETL staff are available from 8-5 p.m. Monday - Friday. We provide on-demand support via email, phone, virtual meetings, and face-to-face. The CETL offers a rotating list of one-hour workshops, along with annual events such as the day-long Summer Institute.

CETL also offers Fundamentals of Online Teaching (FOOT) three times per year.

Our services include the following:

  • Training faculty how to use Blackboard and other instructional technologies
  • Partnering with faculty to solve pedagogical dilemmas (e.g., Student reponses to this assignment never meet my expectations.)
  • Providing resources and support to faculty who have established a continuous improvement goal related to course design or instruction
  • Collaborating with faculty to design hybrid and online courses that meet the standards established in the Quality Matters Rubric for Higher Education, 6th edition
  • Reviewing recent findings in the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (S.O.T.L) on behalf of faculty

Please contact the CETL with questions and suggestions for future offerings.

Examples of Continuous Improvement Projects

Faculty interested in collaborating with an instructional designer to plan, redesign, or review a class offering are invited to schedule a course design consultation with the CETL. At the end of the first consultation, faculty will leave with an action plan. Follow-up sessions will be scheduled as required. Consultations cover an array of course design components, including the following:

• Creating the Course Structure: Create or revise learning objectives; align assessments and activities to those objectives

• Evaluating Assessment Effectiveness: Create or redesign course assessments to improve measurement of student learning

• Clarifying the Course Syllabus: Refine syllabus content for clarity

• Review Course Activities: Apply evidence-based practices to course activities and presentation of materials to improve student retention and transfer of learning

• Translate Face-to-Face Course Materials to an Online/Hybrid Format: Adapt existing course content for a face-to-face class for an online or hybrid version of the course

• Improving Student Engagement: Focus on strategies for creating a student-focused learning environment

• Embracing BlackBoard: Organize and create course content, including assignments, in BlackBoard

If you would like help with course design, set up an appointment for an individual consultation with the CETL staff.

Contact the CETL to schedule today!

Meet the Staff